Cloud Based Promotions Engine

promotions engine
promotions engine

Fully featured, Cloud Based stand alone promotions engine

Qixol Promo is a fully featured Stand Alone Promotions Engine offering everything you need to manage your promotions…

promotions engine

Omni-Channel Promotions Engine

Our Cloud Based Promotions Engine is designed to manage promotional activity across all channels.

Enhance the promotional capabilities of your existing software applications by integrating into Qixol Promo using our simple API.

Give your customers a consistent shopping experience across your channels, issue and redeem Coupons with ease, reward them with Loyalty Points.

Create, Test and Launch Promotions in minutes, react quickly to sales trends and ensure you are promoting the right products to your customers.

What Else? Why not sign-up and try it for yourself…

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Key Features

Qixol Promo supports advanced Promotion Types and offers all the features required to manage them.

Configure a wide range of promotion types, from simple % and Amount off through to more advanced multi-buy and mix & match promotions.

Calculate promotions and reward your customers with discounts, free items, Coupons and loyalty points which represent true “Customer Best Value”.

Test your promotions using the integrated basket builder and check for promotion conflicts against active promotions before publishing to your sales channels.

Visit Qixol Promo help, and look at features in more detail…

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Data Analysis

Qixol Promo captures all the data required to enable effective Analysis of your products and promotions.

All Product and Basket level data is captured and stored at the lowest level of granularity, allowing detailed analysis of Promotion performance.

Discounts that are applied to baskets are captured at the line level, pro-rated based on your rules, ensuring accurate margin analysis is possible.

Use the Qixol Promo API to retrieve your promotional data, and analyse with data from your enterprise in your existing BI platform.

Speak with Qixol about the benefits of promotion analysis…

Take Control of Your Promotions. It’s easy with Qixol Promo

The Qixol Promo Engine has features, options and tools that make it the most versatile engine on the market by allowing you to centralise management of your promotions and enable promotion checking across the estate including ePOS, Website and Call Centre. The powerful customisation options & features give you flexibility to create the promotions you want.

Cloud architecture delivering High Speed consistent basket processing

Qixol Promo has been built with the demands of omni-channel retail at the heart of its design…

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Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure is an open and flexible cloud platform distributed across a global network of data centers, a perfect partner for Qixol’s Promotion Engine.

Qixol Promo provides a Web Application for promotion management and a Service Layer for basket handling & data integration.

All application data is stored securely in a SQL Azure Database, clients can control in-coming IP addresses and user permissions.

All Applications and Services have been built according to Microsoft Azure recommendations to ensure the Microsoft Azure SLA is met.

Read up on Azure, and gain confidence in the platform…

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Our Promotions Engine makes use of key Azure features such as the Traffic Manager to ensure scalability and provides a solution that ramps up on demand.

Cloud services run multiple instances as standard, and additional instances are brought online according to the load on the engine. .

The Basket Manager runs with Read-Only requirements on the database, allowing the service layer to look at multiple databases.

As well as scaling out the number of databases, the resources available to the database are also increased automatically on a needs basis.

Ask the team at Qixol for a detailed overview of the Architecture…

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Qixol understand the importance of eliminating Downtime, and have built our Promotions Engine with a robust design to minimise this.

The full Qixol Promo software footprint in replicated across multiple Data Centers, with Traffic Managers routing traffic.

Storage is Geo-Redundant and offers High Availability. In addition, storage is mirrored in a DR Region for use when primary is not Available.

The SQL Database offers High Availability and an online Geo-Redundant Replication database is available in a Secondary Region.

Call and find out how we release software with “No Downtime”…

Sign-up and try Qixol Promo for Free!

After sign-up, you’ll have everything you need to review the comprehensive features of our promotions engine

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Start your 30 Day Free Trial Today. No Charge, No Commitment.

Our subscription pricing model is based upon the number of baskets passed to our Promotions Engine per month. For more information on how our pricing flexes with your business, please Contact Us